取得が難化したSSN (Social Security Number)

この国は戸籍管理の仕組みがない代わりに、社会保障番号 (Social Security Number, SSN)というのを配布しております。これは市民権を持たなくとも, VISAで滞在している人たちも取得することができます。実質、このSSNは、銀行口座を開設したり、運転免許を取得したり、電話を引いたりなどなど、生活のあらゆる場面で必須のものです。要はSSNがないと身動きが取れないようにシステムができあがっています。

自分も、渡米直後にSSNを申請して取得しました。Social Security Cardという青色の紙が郵送されてきます。実は、(キャンパス内の)雇用の手続きで自分のSocial Security Cardを物理的に見せないといけないことになり、ここで問題が発生。



2002年に申請したときは、学校から「この人にSSNを発行してあげてください」という趣旨の推薦状を1通(尋ねればその場ですぐにもらえる代物)を見せれば楽々手続きができていました。が、現在はRA/TAなどで、お金を貰う立場・必要がないと(手紙を書いてもらえないので)SSN を発行してもらえる可能性は0に等しいのでは、、、と思ってしまいました。



さてさて、(ラボの秘書および学校側もそんな手紙が単なるカードの再発行に必要とは毛頭も思っていなかったらしいが)なんとか手紙を書いてもらい、役所へ戻ったものの、今度はimmigration systemのデータベースの個人情報にいろいろと問題があり*1、さらに照会が必要なので再発行には数週間かかるかもしれないとのこと。。。。。。ありへん。



以下は、SSA (Social Security Administration, www.ssa.gov)にて得られるカードの再発行についての記述(抜粋)です。要は再発行にも新規に申請するときと同じ書類を用意しないといけませぬ。。。

Replacement Social Security Card for a Noncitizen Adult

You can replace your Social Security card for free if it is lost or stolen. However, you are limited to three replacement cards in a year and 10 during your lifetime. Legal name changes and other exceptions do not count toward these limits. For example, changes in immigration status that require card updates may not count toward these limits. Also, you may not be affected by these limits if you can prove you need the card to prevent a significant hardship.

In general, only noncitizens who have permission to work from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can apply for a Social Security number. If you do not have permission to work but need a Social Security number for other purposes, see Work eligibility for further information.

To get a replacement card:

  • Complete an Application For A Social Security Card (Form SS-5); and
  • Show us documents proving your:
    • Immigration status;
    • Work eligibility; and
    • Identity.
  • Take your completed application and documents to your local Social Security office

Immigration status and work authorization

To prove your U.S. immigration status, you must show us the current U.S. immigration document, I-94, Arrival/Departure Record, issued to you when you arrived in the United States. If you are an F-1 or M-1 student, you also must show us your I-20, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status. If you are a J-1 or J-2 exchange visitor, you must show us your DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status.

For most foreign workers, we only need to see an I-94, Arrival/Departure Record. Some foreign workers also must show their work permits from DHS (I-766 or I-688B).


Student: If you are an F-1 student authorized to work in curricular practical training, you must provide us with a Form I-20 with the employment page (page 3) completed and signed by a designated school official. We also need to see evidence of that employment, such as a recent pay slip or a letter from your employer. Your supervisor must sign and date the letter. The letter must describe:

  • Your job;
  • Your employment start date:
  • The number of hours you are, or will be, working; and
  • Your supervisor’s name and telephone number.

If you are an F-1 or M-1 student and are authorized to work off campus, you must provide us with the Employment Authorization Document you received from DHS.

If you are a J-1 student, you must provide a letter from your sponsor. The letter should be on sponsor letterhead with an original signature that authorizes your employment.

If you are assigned a number for nonwork purposes, you cannot use it to work. If you use it to work, we will inform DHS.


Social Security will ask to see a current DHS document. Acceptable documents include:

  • Form I-551 (includes machine-readable immigrant visa with your unexpired foreign passport);
  • I-94 with your unexpired foreign passport;
  • Work permit card from the Department of Homeland Security (I-766 or I688B).

We may use one document for two purposes. For example, we may use a DHS work permit as proof of both work eligibility and identity.

All documents must be either originals or copies certified by the issuing agency. We cannot accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents.We also cannot accept a receipt showing you applied for the document.

We will mail your card as soon as we have all of your information and have verified your documents. Your replacement card will have the same name and number as your previous card.

Keep your Social Security card in a safe place. It is an important document. Do not carry it with you.

