学校事情(46): イベント, OPPORTUNITY JOB FAIR 2007





Research Showcase to Industry - Call for Posters

Dear SoE Graduate Students and Undergraduate research students:


I am inviting you to present your research to industry and government representatives and your fellow students?


The 2007 Opportunity Job Fair (OJF '07) will again host a poster session for the School of Engineering students to exhibit their research to the100+ companies at the Job Fair. R&D representatives from Google, Genentech, Accenture, Medtonic, Exxon-Mobile, IBM, GM, Apple, Lockheed-Martin, Qualcom and more will be the audience for the posters as well as some fellow Stanford students. (For a list of last year's
companies and information about the JobFair, check the OJF web site website http://soe.stanford.edu/OJF/)


If you are interested in presenting your work and networking with technology leaders from industry and government, we invite you to submit a 1 page written
abstract of your research for the OJF poster session by Jan 19, 2007. In your submission include your advisor's name, and your department and year in school.


Selected students will prepare posters for presentation during the Engineering Job Fair Corporate and Student Reception on the 26th of January. The details will follow once someone is accepted to present their poster. A 10 to 15 slide presentation will be the standard format if your poster is selected.


Email a 1 page written abstract of your proposed poster to:noe@stanford.edu by Jan 19th with OJF 007 Poster in the subject line. Remember to include your advisor's name, and your department and year.


For the abstract: Include a graphical or pictorial description of your most important results. Indicate how your research might be of interest to industry, and if possible specify what type of companies would be most interested in viewing your work. For the Poster Presentation, details will follow for those selected by January 22nd.


The top three posters will receive awards: $500-1st place, $300-second place, and $200-third place.
Finally, selected students will be notified by 22nd of January and you will have 4 days to put your 10 to 15 slide presentation together for the OJF reception.

Good luck!