The Everything Personal Finance In Your 20s & 30s Book (読書メモ)

お金の使い方、稼ぎ方、増やし方など、資産管理 (personal finance),

Studies show that the average high school graduate lacks fundamental money management skills and a basic understanding of earning, spending, and saving money. These concepts aren’t being taught in our schools and young people aren’t learning them from their parents, either because the parents don’t understand them themselves or don’t realize the importance of teaching them to their kids.

Everything Personal Finance In Your 20S And 30S (Everything Series)

Everything Personal Finance In Your 20S And 30S (Everything Series)




Many people believe that simply making more money will solve their money problems but, in most cases, it only couses bigger money problems.

The primary reason most people have money problems is that they were never schooled in the science of cash flow management. They were taught how to read, write, drive cars and swing, but they were not taught how to manage their cash flow. Without this training they wind up having money problems, then work harder believing that more money will solve the problem.
(出典: R. Kiyosaki, "Cashflow Quadrant", pp.203)

Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom

Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom

この著者も同様に「money problemの根本的な原因はキャッシュフローの管理については習うことがないことだ」と説いている。

もとい、タイトルにあるように(Personal Finance In Your 20s & 30s Book) できるだけ若いうちにfinanceの知識と習慣を身につけ、的確なマネージメントを施せることがよいらしい。

Your twenties are the best time to develop good personal-finance habits, before you get into debt that you’d have to struggle to pay off or make other financial mistakes that you’d spend years recovering from. In your thirties, it’s still not too late to turn your financial life around if you’re not on the right track.