オフの目標 + (自分の)はてなダイアリー英語化計画!?

財政面での学習、キャリアパスのデザインなどお堅い系タスクでも課題が満載だが、なんといっても「コースで80代を出すと、”あー、叩いてしもうたな”と漏らすレベルになる」ことである。好きなポッドキャスト, Golf For Beginners (because we're always learning) http://golf-for-beginners.blogspot.com/では、ゴルフの成長にはいくつかのステージあり

  1. How to hit balls
  2. How to play the game
  3. How to compete
  4. How to win

と4段階あるそうだ。上の段階に上がるほど技術的な要素が薄れ、精神面の鍛錬の貢献度が上がる。恐らく自分は3番目の「How to compete」を学習しないといけないだろう。Compete (競争)するのは同伴者であるかもしれないが、自分としてはコースであり、パー(Bob Jonesにいわせれば"Old Man Par (パーおじさん)")だろう。力量相応の目標を継続的に達成していくことで、最終的に大きな目標を達成することができるのでしょう。「千里の道も一里から」、「ローマは一日にしては成らず」とはよくいったもんだ。


A lot of things to learn you still have.....

Ok, this is my very first attempt to post in English. I don't know what makes me to do so and a bit nervous though, I just feel like to do it. Eventually I'd like to start English blog. Perhaps at http://www.seihiguchi.com/, my official site?

Today I want to share a little bit about my unofficial goals. I have a lot of things that need to be done or I want to do this year (before finishing school). Other than Ph.D. research, I'd like to be familiar with more about personal finance stuff to solidify my literacy on financing, and figure out what I can/should do for my future career (i.e. job hunting). These could be no big deal compared to getting Ph.D. (or breaking 70).

And last but not least, I want to break 80 and regularly shoot in high/mid 70s by the end of this year. Well, I have to admit that shooting 70s all the time is too optimistic and requires me to maintain low single-digit handicap, maybe less than 4.0 or so? Anyways, I like to listen this nice friendly podcast, "Golf For Beginners - 'cause we're always learning": http://golf-for-beginners.blogspot.com/.

It says that golfers will experience four stages to improve their games:

  1. How to hit balls
  2. How to play the game
  3. How to compete
  4. How to win

Well, well, well,,, I can hit balls with some consistency and accuracy (although not enough for breaking 70) and know how to play the game. Perhaps I need to focus on how to compete now, which should make great contributions to break 80. I don't usually pay attention to guys I play with on the course. Not because I'm less skilled than them (or vice versa), but doesn't help very much to shoot better scores.

Well, who's going to be my competitor(s)?

That should be my "handicapped Par" and course itself. According to the cast, "if your handicap is 16, then add one stroke to each of 16 most difficult holes". So my index is 13.6 as of Jan.'07 and if I play at Stanford (http://www.stanfordgolfcourse.com/), my course handicap is going to be 16.

Maybe this is it. This is how you lower your handicaps and how to achieve your ultimate goals, not just on golf... I'll stick with it. Hope it works for me...

If you notice any stupid mistakes I made, typo, or comments, I appreciate your feedback... Thank you!


試しに、http://seihiguchi.blogspot.com/ にコピペしてみた。